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The Club currently has approximately 73 members including Honorary Members and Patrons. We are always delighted to welcome new Artist and Lay members.

Lay membership gives access to all the club meetings and events, but you are not asked to submit paintings for appraisal, which is before the whole membership at designated critique meetings. Lay members do not generally exhibit.


If you wish to apply for Artist membership, you are asked to present three pieces of recent work to the Selection Committee. If the work is considered to be of the required standard, you would be invited to take up Artist membership and thereafter be able to have your work viewed on member appraisal nights and show your work at Club Exhibitions.


Prospective new members are encouraged to consider Lay membership initially to meet other members, gain further knowledge of the Sketch Club and its place in the local art scene.


There is an initial joining fee and annual membership fee. 

If you have any questions or would like more information about joining, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

I have been a member of Ayr Sketch Club for over ten years and it has been a constant source of inspiration to me in my artistic development.  The Club’s members are enthusiastic, kind and friendly.  Being a member of this highly regarded club has been both a source of pride and enjoyment.  I have benefited from demonstrations by notable artists and positive, helpful advice from members I hold in high esteem.

Lee Evans,

Artist Member

It is a privilege and an honour to be a member of Ayr Sketch Club. I have been a member for just over a year and I find the varied range of talent and ability among Club members to be outstanding and, in turn, their experience and expertise is gratefully dispensed on weekly critique nights. I personally find these nights invaluable as they allow all artists to openly display work for evaluation from the group, which allows for comment and improvement of skills. This is highlighted by the Club’s annual exhibitions where a fantastic array of artwork is displayed.  You couldn't find a more friendly and welcoming group of artists to be involved with.

Mark Goodwin, 

Artist Member

Ayr Sketch Club is a friendly group of artists of varying abilities and aptitudes and, as such, I have found the group evenings to offer positive artistic advice and day I hope I may join as a full artist member! Additionally, the visiting artist demonstrations offer a different perspective and a wonderful opportunity to see how other artists work.

Barbara Gray, 

Lay Member


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